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2003年度 関西学院大学 入試問題 (文学部)


Man, the chimpanzee, and the gorilla, are so similar that it is practically impossible to
tell them apart. Absurd, you say. Gorillas are hairy giants of the forest, weighing half a
ton, and chimps, though smaller, are no less hairy. As for man, he walks upright, for one
thing, has a large brain, and is naked. (イ)The three couldn`t be easier to distinguish.

But, if you were to look only at their DNA - the long molecule of heredity - you would find
it a hard task indeed to separate man from the chimpanzee and the gorilla.The three species
share almost 99 per cent of their DNA, and on that basis, surely, (A)they should not look
nearly as different as they do.
 There is only just 1 per cent difference between ourselves
and a chimp or gorilla.Yet that 1 percent accounts for all of human ( 1 ) - art, literature
and science. How can such a small difference have such major implications ? This is one one
part of the puzzle of human origins, the search for the magic ingredient that makes us spe-
cial. Common sense tells us that man, with his cities and societies, simply cannot really be
so closely related to the African apes.

Until the 1980`s paleontologists * argued that man has been evolving separately from the apes
for at least 20 million years. That was the date favored by most paleontologists, and although
there was some disagreement between them, with some preferring a slightly earlier date and
others a later one, it is fair to say that by and large they ( 2 ) that man and the apes have
been biologically separate for rather a long time. Separate species means separate evolution,
and the chance for DNA to accumulate separate differences. (ロ)Ignoring man for the moment,
tests on every other species investigated show that the longer two species have been separated,
in evolutionary terms,(B) the more differences there are in their respective DNA.

Changes in DNA occur from time to time by chance and there is ( 3 )between genetic differ-
ence, measured by comparing DNA from two species, ant time. For example, in all other species
that have been separated for abour 20 to 25 million years, such as the dog and the raccoon,
this kind of test reveals accumulated differences equivalent to about 12 per cent of their DNA.
But man, the chimps, and the gorilla, who according to the established story of human evolution
were also supposed to have been separated for about 20 million years, differ by a mere 1 per
cent. By comparison with other species, a genetic difference of (ハ )this amount ought to
correspond to a separation of man and the African apes from a common stock less than 4 million
years ago. What is going on ? Are we to assume that man is a special case that does not obey
the same rules as the millions of other species that share the Earth ? Or could it be that the
paleontologists might have been ( 4 ) ?

Perhaps man and the apes have not been evolving down separate paths for 20 million years or
so, but have indeed been separate for only a fifth of that time, less than 4 million years.
This is still a hard idea to accept, not least for the paleontologists whose wisdom it
challenges.But it makes a lot more sense to assume that man is like all the other inhabitants
of the Earth, and if necessary to rewrite paleontological history, than to argue that(ニ) man
is a special case, alone in a crowd of animals.

The traditional paleontological history was based on very slender fossil evidence. DNA
studies provide new factual evidence. And, to the astonishment od most non-paleontologists,
and the embarrassment of the paleontologists themselves, it turns out that there are no known
fossils which actually contradict the DNA evidence for mankind`s only ( 5 ) origins.

A:  下線部(A)を日本語に訳しなさい。その際、‘ they‘ が何を指すのかを明確にすること。

B:  下線部(B)を日本語に訳しなさい。その際、‘ their‘ が何を指すのかを明確にすること。

C:  空所(1〜5)に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ下記(a〜d)のなかから一つ選びなさい。

    1. (a) psychology (b) barbarism (c) civilization (d) technology

    2. (a) agreed   (b) disagreed  (c) answered  (d) denied

    3. (a) no similarity (b) a good correlation (c) little correspondence (d)a considerable gap

    4. (a) right (b) wrong (c) to the point (d) in doubt

    5. (a) unknown (b) ancient (c) remote (d) recent

D:  破線部(イ〜ニ)とほぼ同じ意味を表すものを下記(1〜4)の中から1つ選びなさい。

(イ) The three couldn`t be easier to distinguish .

    1. Nothing could be easier to distinguish than the three. 
    2. It would be no easy task to distinguish the three.
    3. Nothing would be more difficult to distinguish than the three.
    4. It wouldn`t be easy for the three to distinguish other animals.

( ロ ) Ignoring man for the moment

    1. Because paleontologists neglect man at present.
    2. Although man is ignorant at times.
    3. As soon as man is ignored
    4. If man is left out of account for the time being.

( ハ ) this amount

    1. 20 million years 2. 4 million years 3. 1 per cent 4. 12 per cent

( ニ ) man is a special case, alone in a crowd of animals

    1. man has had a unique process of evolution among other animals
    2. man is a lonely creature in the animal kingdom
    3. a crowd of animals, including man, are all special
    4. man is so special that he is lonely, even in a crowd of animals

E:  本文の内容と一致するものを下記(a〜g)の中から2つ選びなさい。

    a、 外見だけでなく、DNAを調べれば、人類とチンパンジーを区別することは非常に容易なことである。
    b、 伝統的な古生物学では、世界各地の大量の化石を手がかりにして人類発生の仮説が立てられてきた。
    c、 二千〜二千五百万年前に分かれたとされるイヌとアライグマでは、DNAの12%の部分に違いがある。
    d、 すべての古生物学者は、人類の起源を二千万年前であるとする点で意見の一致をみている。
    e、 化石に基づく古生物学の年代推定は、DNAの研究から得られた成果に対して疑念を抱かせる。
    f、 二千万年以上に及ぶとされてきた人類の歴史は、DNAの研究によると、その5分の1に縮められる。
    g、 DNA 研究の新発見と矛盾する化石がみつかっていないので伝統的な古生物学者は安堵している。   
